Resource Spotlight: Kansas Association for Conservation & Environmental Education
Chavis Lickvar-Armstrong May 27, 2022
KACEE helps teachers of children all ages engage their students in the outdoors through environmental education (EE) professional development, programs like Kansas Green Schools and WILD Kansas, and by connecting them with EE networks and resources.
Are you looking for a way to embed environmental education into your curriculum, program, or the time you spend with your children?
One of the first and largest conservation and environmental education organizations in the nation, KACEE is a 501(c)3 non-profit, established in 1969, that provides educator professional development, bringing environmental education (EE) to classrooms all across Kansas. KACEE's offers a variety of professional development (PD) programs for ealy childhood educators, eductors at nature centers, parks, and zoos, homeschool teachers, and parents and grandparents. These PD programs provide interactive, hands-on learning using comprehensive and standards aligned curricula from Project Learning Tree and Project Wild. Workshop participants include formal and non-formal educators, and anyone with an interest in teaching children about the natural world!